December 20, 2012
Peter Rosten
President MAPS Media Institute
P.O. Box 750 Darby, MT 59829
In 2011, State Farm Insurance provided a $5000 Education Excellence grant award to the MAPS after-school program. The grant intended to benefit the students of the program and commission four public service announcements around auto safety, disaster preparedness, and drop-out prevention. The premise behind this opportunity was to capture the youth voice in the messaging of these topics and to tap on the creativity of this talented group of young adults.
Throughout this partnership the creativity, communication and completed work has been nothing short of exemplary and exceeded desired outcomes.
State Farm has witnessed success in supporting youth-led peer-to-peer engagement programs used to create awareness and solutions to youth related topics. The youth of MAPS have shown numerous example of that strategy in action through their finished products and sharing of content in relevant forums statewide.
The MAPS Media Institute programs continue to have a significant impact on at risk students in Montana by providing alternative forms of learning through multi-media art, mentoring, and statewide business partnership. I believe the participants in MAPS programs acquire specialized skills and experiences to engage their peers and members of their community through their art form.
It is my sincere hope the MAPS Media Institute programs are considered and recognized through the 2013 National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Awards for its continued success in providing innovative real world opportunities and mentoring to youth.

Daniel Losk
Public Affairs Community Specialist State Farm Insurance 1000 Wilmington Drive DuPont, WA 98327
Home Office, Bloomington, IL