
MAPS is proud to serve communities across Montana.

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MAPS Media Lab
Ravalli Thumbnail Image
Ravalli County
Lewis and Clark County
Flathead Reservation / Lake County
Fort Peck Community College
CHANTÉ Project

What We Teach…


The creativity of designers is everywhere you look: on the web, television, commercials, magazines, film, product packaging. However, Design is more than just appearances — it’s understanding how to communicate with and influence the audience. Learn how to create and use photography, illustrations, typography, color, 3D graphics, and animation to tell your story.


This action-packed, hands-on class includes a crash course in filmmaking. The class begins with exploring the history of this modern art form from the birth of silent films to the latest blockbuster. Students learn and participate in every aspect of filmmaking, beginning with story conceptualization and finishing with public screenings of their films. They explore idea visualization and learn how to develop basic storylines into narratives and screenplays. The class teaches how to organize an entire film production: assembling a cast, designating film crew responsibilities, lighting and audio techniques, camera operation,  filming scene sequences, editing, and post-production processes.


Students begin with learning the history of music and its interpretations throughout the cultures of the world. They explore the principles of sound, from the first audio recording by Thomas Edison to the latest developments in music technology. Through ear training lessons, students are taught how to actively and critically listen to all musical genres. The class explores music theory and teaches basic elements of music, including notation, scales, melody, harmony, song structure, chords, rhythms, improvisation, and various composition techniques.


This innovative curriculum explores the art of computer science from understanding operating systems to programming video games. The class begins with learning the fundamentals of what a computer is, how a computer works, and what a computer can do. Students explore multiple operating system environments thru installation set up, interface navigation, and customizing system preferences. Students then learn software development through programming computer code.

And more…