June 18, 2013
TO: Purpose Prize Selection Committee
FR: Cinda Holt, Montana Arts Council, an agency of state government
RE: Letter of recommendation for Peter Rosten
As the business development specialist for the Montana Arts Council, I am please to write to you in support of your consideration of Peter Rosten for the Purpose Prize.
Peter and I struck up a friendship in the mid 2000s and I was immediately struck by his enthusiasm for life and his interest in bringing media arts to public schools in our valley. In no time at all Peter established a media arts in the schools program that is very, very successful in meeting its goals.
Since its inception in 2004, MAPS has become not only an exemplary organization, but what we consider a Gold Standard of arts-driven youth education programming in our state. Using relevant media tools, (writing, design, animation, video, music, et al), MAPS turns underserved students into capable media artists and communicators. The MAPS after-school program has a positive, measureable impact on Montana’s rural, often at-risk and/or economically disadvantaged middle, high school and home educated students.
And through active partnerships with national media outlets, statewide broadcasters and a roster of high-profile corporate and governmental clients, the media products developed by MAPS students have great exposure as everything from documentaries and short stories to advertisements and public service announcements, broadcast locally and nationally.
The Montana Arts Council views the MAPS program and Peter as a shining example of what’s best about our states’ arts education. The fortitude, creativity, teaching and collaboration seen in MAPS is an example for all our arts organizations across the state. They must prove to the state their return on investment for the use of public dollars and they have consistently done so through amazing testimonials from and about their students. This is truly a life- changing program for the participants.
Peter’s creativity and entrepreneurial spirit shows in his determination to take these kids to places they never thought they could go. They have not experienced a teacher or leader who pushed them to compete as adults as effectively and inspiringly as Peter. Since he knows no bounds, they know no bounds, and they achieve great things. Peter’s focus and determination to make the MAPS program succeed is what makes him a great role model. He cares about the outcome of his work, he cares about making a difference in kids’ lives and he is tireless in his promotional efforts to engage us all in his successes. Peter would be an excellent Purpose Prize awardee.
Respectfully submitted,

Cinda Holt
Business Development Specialist Montana Arts Council