Have You Heard What’s Happening at MAPS?
Spring is here and so is the MAPS Monthly newsletter!
Learn more about MAPS programming, events, student work and achievements!
Save the date! The 14th annual Media Arts Festival starts at 12pm on May 19th at the Pharaohplex in Hamilton, MT. Come see student work from Film, Technology, Design, and Music classes showcased on the big screen!
Five student scholarships will be awarded at the conclusion of the event. The Festival is free and open to the public. A Pie Potluck will follow at MAPS. We hope to see all MAPSTERS, families, friends and supporters there!
MAPS Lake County
Last year, MAPS hosted an 8 week long film class in partnership with Salish Kootenai College for Lake County students. This year, MAPS returns with a 10 week long class! Students will learn how to develop a story and write a script, record camera and sound, act, and edit to create a short film that will be screened to the community.
Even though class began on March 28th, it is not too late to sign up! Enrollment is open and ongoing, and like all good things, completely free-of-charge!
Summer Program
We are excited for summer – warm sunny rays, the perfect swimming hole, picnics at Lake Como, and hikes up into the Bitterroot! MAPS Summer Programming will continue this July. Meet new friends and learn media art skills while challenging your creative! Stay tuned for more information!
AmeriCorps VISTA
MAPS has been a proud service site for Montana Campus Compact AmeriCorps VISTA since 2016. This summer, MAPS will be hosting AmeriCorps Summer Associates to assist with outreach, workshops across the state of Montana, and summer programming. This position is open to those 18 years or older. Earn a living stipend, an Eli Segal Education award, and join the National Service movement!
515 Madison Street, Hamilton, MT, USA
Check out MAPS website: mapsmediainstitute.com